If you work in trades you will know using the right tools for the job makes the job easier, faster and done to the proper standard. Your insurance should be right for you too. Making sure you are covered for all eventualities is just as important as charging your drill or cleaning your brushes. Trades insurance gives you multiple sections to cover your Public & Employers Liability, Tools, Stock and if you are unable to trade cover for Personal Accident or Business interruption.
Business Compare is the smart way to find tailor made cover and the most competitive price for your cover. You can decide what is important, what levels of cover you need and if you do not need certain covers they can be excluded. You have complete control.
You know your business needs and we can provide a fast, simple and assured way for you to get covered. When considering your policy be sure you consider each aspect of your business. We will go through the market to find you a competitive price.